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Testimonial of a mum in desperate need of a holiday

A close friend once said to me, “When I travel with my children, it’s more like hard work than a leisurely break!” Even as the mother of two daughters who are fairly easy to look after, it can still be very demanding at times. None the less, they are demanding  of my time. It is not without reason that people say children are the reflection of their parents. I would love to find a magical place where all our family members can feel comfortable and relaxed!

Neck massage vs. game of cowboys and Indians

It’s relatively simple to keep children occupied with a multitude of outdoor activities in the tropics but not as easy up in the mountains. There, it quickly gets cold when the sun hides behind thick clouds, and when you’re at 1,800 meters above sea level, you really need a hotel that suits everyone. It needs to offer absolute comfort for adults and be exciting for children at the same time. For me, comfort means tranquillity, indulgence and sweet idleness. For my kids it means fun, games and entertainment. Now you’re probably thinking: that’s what kids’ clubs are for. But you need to choose well as the quality of child care varies from one hotel to another. Our kids have long since turned into hard-hitting hotel critics that can see through any kind of nonsense immediately.

Varied children’s program No boredom guarantee

Very Important Kids Club

A simple room with worn seat cushions and old board games certainly does not make a Kids’ Club, and the Kulm Hotel has long understood this. With their Very Important Kids Program, they offer all-round care and entertainment for my daughters. Already at check-in, they get their VIK pass. With it, they are free to order hot chocolate, syrup and ice cream whenever they like – even before seeing their room.

Free skiing lessons and pizza baking

The next morning, and several cups of hot chocolate later, they join in the free group lessons outside. The older one tests out a snowboard while the little one puts on skis. Later on, they have a go at fabric painting and then bake some pizza. Despite our many requests, the girls prefer going to the children’s dinner and watching a movie afterwards rather than spending the evening with us. “We’ll see you at breakfast”, they say, making me feel a little superfluous – until my husband fetches a gin and tonic for me from the bar. I’m beginning to think this is going to be a great holiday!

Family holidays in the Kulm Hotel St. Moritz When the children are entertained, the parents can relax.

Happy children, happy parents, successful holidays

Children are growing up to be future hotel guests. That is why it is smart to give them space. The Kulm Hotel has come to realize this. And they hit two birds with one stone: when the children feel entertained, their parents are happy. And in the end, the seemingly impossible becomes reality: all family members enjoy themselves and get to relax. My daughter even voluntarily offers me a sip of her hot chocolate.